suspose to go out with JYD,
then weihong ask me to go pasir ris park,
so why not all go together right? (:
met up with JYD first at whitesand,
then contact idiot for two hours!
having a hard time contacting,
but cos she say today have to work until 8.
so end up it's JYD gathering! ;DDDD
(that's what twin say ;P)
so JYD walked to e!hub.
they actually wanted to play pool, but full la. zzz!
walked all the way to e!hub just to get a bottle of grn tea. LOL!
walked back to interchange, it's still early.
there goes the fun part! muahahaha!
we slacked at the interchange, do what? do funny faces! zzz!
i laugh like hell lorh. super hyper lah.
& kanna two mosquito bites D: stupid mosquitos.
i was hyper even after we are in the bus going rp to find idiot.
im pissed, so will updated when im feeling better.
continue ...
slacked at mac until 8 plus while waitin for idiot & darling.
JYD accompany there. lols. they keep joke abt the two plus two thing.
they was like 'wo jing nian 13(for des) 14(for twin) shui,
jia er jia er * put two twist*'
damn funny! they actually want those very act cute de 1-10 poses.
then twin say let's take JYD photo ^^
they bully la can! keep pinching my cheek. stupid!
was bored while waiting for idiot & darling,
so they video called jeff they all.
it's funny la! lols.
had dinner, then JYD insist to accompany me home since it's alr kindda late.
feel so guilty. zzz!
for making them travel all the way to sk with me,
then travel back to my house, then travel back home.
which is like so so far, cos my house there dont have bus to bedok.
reached home, bath & straightaway run to tv.
got incredibles 5! super scary lorh.
the girl sew her mouth until all blood.
then give her see the mirror saying 'look how pretty you are.'
take photo with me, he like this;
take photo with des, he like this;

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