but guess what? carissa & cx were later!
they were late by ard 45mins -.-
made me sit at the corner like an idiot.
twinny called, they board the train,
i didnt. lols, how dumb.
reached dhoby ghaut, while waiting for train,
saw kalisha & simin.
that tall one, who broke my giant stick that twinny gave me!
know why they are at dhoby ghaut?
cos they dunno 159 can go amk!
they actually wanna go mrt to amk! haha, simin is dumb ;P
asked them to join us to fareast.
while we were going up the escalator,
got one ahgua, he/she walk until very kuazhang.
he/she squeezeeeee into the crowd,
& she knock onto carissa's shoulder.
which made her so so angry that she curse her for the whole entire day -.-
even when we were on our way home, she's still saying. lols!
went up the escalator, got those people selling charity pen.
after twinny donated, i pull her and tried to run away.
we ran to the wrong direction =.="
then the guy was like " dont run la!"
then he tell his friend " catch the one in black, dont let her run away"
no choice, but to donate alr. lols, since i alr got caught.
sadded, my two bucksssssss! im alr so broke alr,
give me some money, anybody?
reached fareast, then carissa tell us she dont wanna peirce her lips alr =.=
neither do she wanna pierce her tongue =.= =.= =.=
carissa, return me my two bucks! lols. kidding!
then we kept saying that simin should go to the zoo.
and "quack quack" everywhere she go,
maybe put a cup infront of her and quack, i will donate to her.
who ask her for hitting my head today ;P
im revengeful okay! lols.
mrt to bugis, played arcade,
was playing bball with twinny,
got one lil boy ah,
he ask if i need help, i said no, he still help me throw.
snatch my ball. irritating!
he talk to my twinny, my twinny's ball hit her head.
he talk to me, my ball fly away =.="
took 80 back to compass point,
the sky was really bright when we board the bus,
but by the time we reach cp, the sky is alr so dark.
imagine how long we had sat in the bus alr? ha!

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