please dont ask me what happen, i dont feel like saying.
but all i could say is that i've caused sihui into trouble today.
so irritating, we still have to go sch at 7plus!
went acs, had breakfast in their school, super nice la their canteen.
we were like slacking with our drink,
then got one lower pri de class walk pass us,
i cant rmb who's stupid idea to talk to them.
from far, they were saying "ah mah shit",
we didnt care much, until they started to point at cheryl&sihui.
i dunno what is "ah mah shit", but im sure there it's something bad.
maybe it's shit of an ah mah? xD
then i started laughing at sihui & cher, & i turn & look at that lil boy's direction.
(but im not looking at him la!) then he bhb think im looking at him,
then he say " see what see la, ah ma shit!" WTH okay! lols.
just bcos we tie bun & we are called ah ma shit -.-"
rehearsal & stuff. cher & i were talking abt our childhood. ha!
& i got laughed at by another group of lower pri boys!
they were opposite us, then i dunno what they were talking,
i just to happen to turn & saw them, & they laughed at me. wth, do i look so funny? -.-"
plus that time i haven put on makeups lor, so that's nth funny abt me -.-"
had lunch & make up & went for afternoon show.
our lunch & dinner is super pathetic okay!
the rice covers like 7/8 of the whole packet. machiam eating white rice.
about to go in & sing for the afternoon show, then i suddenly stomachache.
the cramp is really unbearable, & i pain until i cry.
cher saw me pain until cry, she shock dao. haha!
& thanks for the MLDDS & CHOIR people for your concerns today (:
&mrzul too, he's nice la, so caring (: haha!
yea, nvr perform for the whole afternoon show.
but lucky im much much better at night (:
kokila they all helped us to make up,
they were told to put on thick makeups on us,
then i use white colour de eyeshadow put over it,
trying to make the super bring pink eyeshadow not so obvious.
then put on more foundation to cover my super thick blusher.
went in to make my hair cos alot of tchers all say my hair too messy,
it's a must to redo. but lucky no time to re-tie ah,
then only have to spray ;D if not im so gonna look super funny!
then tcher say my blusher not enough, she put thicker one agn!
i was like wth, i just make it fade leh =.="
&i super look like barbie doll that time.
then i faster run to toliet, i cant rmb what tcher walk pass me,
she was saying " dont go toliet & make the makeup away ah"
i was like " no la, i go toliet only."
but to be exact, is " no la, i go toliet only to fade my makeups & mess my hair up" xD
if not i look so super weird with the super nerd & "crispy" *(tsk) hair of mine. haha!
( anw, my hair is "crispy" cos of the hairspray.)
& they go put those bloody red de lipstick,
first thing after i walk away is to rub it off ;x
oh my gosh, i think our lips looks so sexy today. HAHA.
i swear the lipstick is really super red okay! damn hot, rofl!
&i almost dehydrate during the night show,
plus i no water left.
i was damn paiseh during the night performance, i dont dare to sing sia.
cos saw too many familiar faces ;x
then i keep looking here & there. haha! i know im not professional enough ;P
ok enough, i think i crap a lil too much today,
so i think i shall end here (: byes!
&thanks dad for fetching me home even he's busy today ;D
photos! & pls dont laugh at my makeups & my panda eyes! zzz!

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