he was saying that i so long nvr go find them.
then i faster ready & off to cp to meet eric, zw, ben & zhenyan.
it was stupid, met up with them less than 5mins & bye alr.
bcos need to rush down to amk to collect zhenyan's gingerbread man de chocolate. super cute okay! tasty also xD
bus-ed back to cp, cos last min change to skcc to study.
bought our drinks, find eric they all,
touched eh, they specially waited for me xD
but they keep taking turns to suan me! pity me right? O.O
study at skcc with eugene & zhenyan.
there's one group of indians, so noisy okay!
the girls were like laughing until super loudly,
i was listening techno, but i still can hear her voice. argh!
keep distracting me xD
then eric they all were hungry after that,
&came skcc to complain. (HAHA)
ask if can have dinner earlier not. tsk!
but zhenyan meeting weikeong at 8 ma,
so eric they all left first.
had dinner, then stand outside watsons there, to think where to go next.
& this damn fat lady who seriously got a serious attitude problem really pissed me off alright!
we were like only blocking a little part of the pathway.
& this damn fker just walk pass us SHOUTING like a mad woman saying: "shoo la, dont down there tak lor(block way) can not?!"
fking asshole, can just say "excuse me" not?
you wanna attract attention izzit? you fking fat woman,
you think you fat i scared of you ah?
you think you are pushing a baby i scared of u ah?
then zhenyan & i damn pissed la, zhenyan was like shouting back "siao ah!"
then i said " the way so big, you cannot pass ah?!"
she walked a few more steps, replied "block way no wrong ah?!"
eh, hello? this path doesnt belongs to you alright?!
cp doesnt belong to you la, fat woman.
we were like joking, then say let's go "play" with her baby. HAHA
zy & i waited outside watsons for her to come out,
she so long then come out la. waste our time!
& she stared at us, we stared back, zy said she scanned me.
i was like wth?! she walked away, we go follow.
then she went to take the lift,
she from far keep looking at us alr, wk said she looked kan chiong. ROFL.
we reach the lift there, the lift door just open,
but she keep looking at us, dont dare to go in as she tot we are going in.
then we keep laughing at her xD xD xD
after that rushed home for incredible tales,
i was sms-ing with twin, then i scared what,
so i called him, & this stupid hp keep talking crap on the phone =.="
lalalalalalas, twinkle twinkle little star!
opps, he's so gonna kill me now xD
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