zzz! which also means that ytd was my last day of work o.o
i dont miss BT, but i miss my colleague thr ))))):
my mama, joe, nicole, weifen, manager, candy, fong, wong, angeline, joyce, landy, tht siao girl who always bully me (her name too difficult to rmb, i keep forgetting), err.. i cant rmb still got who yea?
felt so guilty, joe got "said" by wong cos of me D:
cos he hide th dust-ban from me. LOL!
he hid it behind th fridge, then i cnt find =.="
then wong ask me sweep below th fridge, so tht fong will have to sweep later ;x
reached home at 5plus, bath-ed, took a nap &off to meet boyfriend.
waited for twinny &her darling until they finish work.
ronald was hungry, so we went bangkok to have his dinner?
as somebody is scared of dogs, (err.. i shall not say who.)
then th moment we came out from bangkok mrt,
thr was this super big poster of a dog sticking out it's tongue,
showing off tht "delicious" face. damn funny.
then saw a sign writting: IMH take bus 43--> *then turn th arrow to th right*
we find it funny leh, doesnt it? ok fine it isnt =.="
met up with odelia &kalisha in th bus.
&off to tenah merah &find odelia's friend: vera &gwen.
to watch christmas play with them at expo.
knew quite a number of new friends thr,
all went to airport T3 together to have our lunch (:
odelia left her wallet&phone in th toliet. &she didnt know.
&came out for a stick until kalisha's phone ring.
&th caller is from odelia -.-" kalisha was like: who are u?
th person say: some strangers.. =.=" then she return phone to odelia.
how sweet of her isnt it? (:
eat liao, then then took 27 to plaza.
intended to find idiot in mac, but she wasnt thr. *sighs.
so odelia came my house.
was msn-ing with idiot, then knw tht she WAS in mac just now. zz!
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