twinny was late! so pulled ger to go hgm with me to buy my contact lens first.
mrt down to bugis to find carissa &yunzhen.
so irritating, all of them wear until so formal.
only im the only one who wear until so informal T_T
all wear skinnies nvr tell! only ger & i wear shorts & heels.
then train down to paya lebar,
walked to city plaze to re-extend carissa & twinny's hair.
if not wrong, it's twinny's idea who asked carissa to extend her armpit hair instead. HAHA!
we then went in a shop, making loads of noise & played with their stuff =.="
the auntie is like looking at us, then we still like buay paiseh -.-
walked back to mrt, they keep saying they dunno me =.="
got so embarrassing to know me meh? =.= lols!
i shall not post what stupid things i've done ;X
twinny so cute can, i cant rmb what i've said,
then she scared till she hide behind carissa's back -.-"
ger went to ps, we went to vivo.
&they keep rolling their tongue la,
bcos only i cant roll my tongue! roars!
&i made twinny zhaogeng, i go pull her shirt in the mrt station,
i think got one uncle saw, then i kanna beaten by twinny T_T abuse!
mrt back to kovan & meet up with zhenyan,
went to newyork to settle our dinner.
she so cute sia, she requested for candyfloss,
&she's so happy that she got her candyfloss &keep smiling =.="
then ahlong called me, he ask me where am i,
i said kovan, he was like wth! =.=
cos when im at bugis, he's at home,
when im at vivo, he's at bugis,
when im at kovan, he's at vivo. lols! =.=
20th july o8
ahh! i cannot go out today, suspose to go www today one lorh.
tio banned from going out liao T_T
if not i should be playing at www/ having dinner at bedok now D:
i miss my boyfriend la, i wanna go find him T_T
i love you more & more as the days past,
&now im so afraid that i will lose you one day.
i dunno what life will be without you.
i cant afford to lose you la, i love you x3

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