6plus then leave house, 7plus reach, 8plus then met up.
you know why? cos i went to the wrong shopping centre.
hahahaha~ the plan was to meet up at at e!hub.
i super gong la, my friend asked me where is e!hub,
i scold him suaku, is the newly opened shopping centre.
then jw& jeff said they reach alr
i went whitesand, say i nvr see them x.x!
then i found out tht i was in the wrong shopping centre. damn blur can!
on my way to e!hub, saw wilson. damn sway can! 2nd time this mth ;X
met up with jeff, jw, kat &stead.
i was asking where is kat& stead when they were just right infront of me! :@
went to have dinner, i asked tht jeff to help me buy,
then he stubborn-ly said no, bcos i scold him blur x.x!
yz& kel &stead came then. went for movie.
saw sherlyn :DD
she's working &went to chat with her awhile. {wilson's sister}
okay, kel is irritating can! took photo with yz, then he keep disturbing.
then go played with jw's hat, kanna scold childish x.x!
fine fine fine fine! x.x!
watched 'eagle eyes' they sit wrong seat, hahaha, obi!
jw suddenly go hit my head lor. sickening.
then jw sat beside me. keep disturbing me. zz!
was damn tired, wishing the movie to end faster.
&tht stupid show last for 2hrs. almost fell aslp.
end at 1140, by the time i reach interchange my last bus cfm run alr.
then cab home, lucky the moment i went in the cab, jz called me ;D
so qiao. reached home at 12plus, bath, remove make up, then "booom" & fell aslp liao.
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