i dreamt tht i was going for a chalet,
with my two friends, i cant rmb who, i shall name them APPLE & ORANGE then.
(but if im not wrong, i think it was chuxuan &carissa/mc. i cant rmb clearly)
we were sitting in this order, APPLE & ORANGE &me respectively.
i was tired &lied on ORANGE.
when i wake up, i saw mdm.c sitting beside APPLE.
then ORANGE push my head dwn &ask me to continue sleeping.
& she told mdm.c tht i was sick. so im resting.
but mdm.c doesnt seemed convinced ( she dont like me )
then she told them tht she's also going for tht class chalet.
we were all sian by then. left th train, we walked in pairs, holding hands.
i was th last pair, mdm.c went to hold PAPAYA's hand (i dunno since when papaya was out, but i just cant rmb who was tht la! zzz)
cos mdm.c dont have a partner. but papaya push her hands off.
i saw cos i was behind them, i laughed loudly &said : hahahaha, i saw tht, i saw tht she push ur hands off, *continue laughing*)
she was damn pissed &took out a metal chain &pushed PAPAYA towards a pillar,
she tied PAPAYA up using the super thick metal chain &wanna tie us up too.
i ran with APPLE &i asked her to call th police.
mdm. c heard us &also tied APPLE up.
i called th police but it cant get through.
i asked for help but all th passerby ignored me, but gt one super pretty lady helped me,
she was damn muscular, she break the metal chain &freed PAPAYA.
&police came &caught mdm.c up, she cried,
she said tht we forced her to do all these, cos we were too mean to her.
too cold to her until she cannot take it.
after tht i wake up to go toliet alr, end of my dream. zzz!
went out with zhenyan. it's been so long since we last met up uh.
went to hgm, collect my things &off to toliet to put her fake eyelash.
she put so long lor. haha, then i keep laughing at her =/
when she was zilian-ing, i went to add a twist thr,
but didnt know tht i was in the pict too -.-" damn.
shopped ard to look for my make-up removal cos i've finished mine.
while she look for her marcasra. sasa's marcasra so nice lor,
the design ah. omg! i want laaaaa~
then off to kovan &look for twinny.
she was in a bad mood then. siannnn~
hope she's okay by now ):

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