so shall post some photos odelia took on fri.
she's too bored lah -.-"
then she just took my phone &play while im sleeping.
o.o looks like she really like mdm yang alot uh. lols (:
bascially, these days is all about study &study &still study.
then extra lessons. zzz!
mon; ate lunch with simin, carissa, mandy, shiting, cher &sihui.
tue; stayed at home &study &compass-ed.
wed;studied with gab, kianwee, zhixiang, then zhenghui &another guy.
fri; studied with mc.
&ytd, carissa, mendy &i laughed too much until mdm cheng suan-ed us.
is she bias or what, every single lesson also call out my name.
i only daydream ma. zzz!
laughed from poa all the way until we went home.
*tell me if you want the photos to be del if u are in the photo (:
&i hate to wear uni la! it make me feel so fat D:
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