as usual, im late again.
bcos ... i overslept.
so meet them up at tampines1.
shop for tidbits &camera,
&im super forgetful lor,
i went out of faceshop,
w/o remembering th ms card,
my $2 fly away just like tht!
party at my house after tht, creating a big chaos.
haha, my mum was complaining tht we are like bombing th house,
so noisy ;x

w/o flash

w flash
camera testing; pardon me for some random photos.

3G technology. lols, damn stupid i know -.-"

im so in love with her LG cookie (pink). wahlau, super chio.

you see! they are so addicted to th computer, all dont wanna care me, leave me alone to rot ):

nevermind, i shall entertain myself by camwhoring.

black, pink, black, pink.

th typical aunties. :D

carissa super niang can! =.="

i kept kanna scolding bcos i smile -.-" i dunno we are not suppose to smile ma! zzz.

sorry sorry; suju. (corrupted ver ;x)

look super dumb -.-" carissa! your idea!

L.O.V.E, we wanted to make H.A.T.E for someone but dont know how to make -.-"

can see a slope not? shortest to tallest. *sighs.

simin! (:

还没死都被你CPR 到死了啦!

punishment for us for losing oh-ya-pe-ya-som. ;(

they were laughing at th triangle (height difference).
aww.. im so depressed! i promise to drink milk everyday. lol! crap.

i didnt know tht i kanna snap.
but i like this picture bcos i look slim (for once).
yanying, time to lose weight!

carissa, see la, your fault ;x

look at her legs &face, super cute can!!

envy her figure la!
photos is taken from th bottom, thts why she look super long. hahaha!
looks really scary =/

blur la her.

this biscuit super nice!

retarded =.="
shall end th post with a formal one. ciaos, gonna sleep :D
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