A. People Who Have Been Tagged Must Write Their Answer In Their Blog.
B. Tag 8 People To Do This Quiz And Those Who Are Tagged Cannot Refuse. These People Must State Who They Are Tagged By And Cannot Tag The Person Whom They Were Tagged By.
C. Continue This Game By Sending It To Other People ;
`1 carissa
`2 carissa
`3 carissa
`4 carissa
`5 carissa
`6 carissa
`7 carissa
`8 carissa
carissa have to do this quiz 8 times! (: carissa, follow th rules ah! :D
1. What Have You Been Doing Recently?
- Sleep, work, chat on phone. super no life T.T
2. Do You Ever Turn Your Cell Phone Off?
- Nope, never! (: i scared twinny miss me but cnt reach me. ha!
3. What Happened At 10am Today?
- sleeping.
4. When Did You Last Cry?
- Cant rmb.
5. Believe In Fate/Destiny?
- dunno.
6. What Do You Want In Your Life Now?
- i want to be a millionaire.
7. Do You Tend To Make Relationship Complicated?
- stupid qns.
8. Are You Wearing Anything You Borrow From Someone?
- siao, why would i do tht?
9. What Was The Last Movie You Caught?
- Madagascar 2 :D
10. Does That Person Know You Like Him/Her?
- obviously. no, i dont like him, i love him :D good enough?
11. Who Always Make Me Laugh?
- my twinny &carissa & him :D
12. Do You Speak Languages Other Than English?
- i speak chinese la.
13. Favourite Website(s)?
- friendster &blogger.
14. What Are You Doing Tomorrow?
- work agn. hais!
15. What Do You Think You Are Like?
- what do i think i am like?
16. Who Will You Choose To Die With?
- i wun die ;P
17. Where Have You Been Today?
- sengkang & centrepoint.
18. What Game Do You Play Often?
- i dont play la, im matured, grown up alr ;P
19. Who Are You Missing Right Now?
- im missing you~
20. If You Have To Choose A Friend And Love, Who Will You Choose?
- im greedy, i want both!
21. What Are You Doing Now?
- doing this quiz &waitin for his call :/
22. Which Primary School Are You From?
- xinmin primary.
23. Name Three Colour That You Like.
- Black , White &silver.
24. What Emoticon Do You Like To Show?
- -.-
25. What Is Life To You?
- birth &death.
26. If You Have Something Troubling You, What Will You Do?
- tell my twinny.
27. Who Did You Last Chat With On MsN Today?
- kesin or carissa or cousin, i cant rmb.
28. Who Do You Admire The Most?
- toh yan ying!
29. Which Month Were You Born In?
- march
30. How Are You Feeling Right Now?
- bored of this stupid quiz which carissa had to do 8times. i bet she will get more bored. hahaha
31. What Is The Time Now?
- 12.25AM
32. What Kind Of Person Do You Think The One Who Tag You Is?
- a stupid guy who dunno how to fold paper aeroplane. rofl!
33. What Colour Do You Use To Dye Your Hair?
- i want brown &highlight blond!! i wished for it for very long alr. hope i faster graduate!
34. Why Are You Doing This Test?
- bcos im asked to do.
35. What Do You Do When Your Moody?
- keep quiet. ignore everyone &everything. like zombie -.-
36. At Which Stage Do You Wish To Get Married?
- dunno leh
37. Who Is More Important To You?
- families. my papa &mama& not forgetting my bro? rofl!
38. If Today Is The Last Day Of Your Life, What Will You Do?
- sleep
39. Who Is/Are The People/Person You Trust The Most?
- myself
40. Do You Believe In Seeing The Rainbow After The Rain?
- fei hua. jon, this quiz sounds like u, so many stupid questions
41. If You Have A Dream To Come True, What Would It Be?
- Having every dreams come true -.-
42. What Is Your Goal For This Year?
- be happy.
43. Do You Believe In Eternity Love?
- duno
44. What Feeling Do You Love Most?
- hyper mood :D
45. Do You Really Think It's Global Warming Now?
- yes la, &it's freaking affecting my mood.
46. What Feel Do You Hate The Most?
- unlucky
47. Do You Like Doing Quizzes?
- Noo ...
48. Do You Believe In Gods?
- maybe?
49. Who Cares For You The Most?
- shut up! im sick of this stupid quiz
50. What Do You Think Is The Most Important Thing In Your Life?
- my hair. ha
51. What Will You Bring When You Fight?
- a car, so i can bang on them &VICTORY!
52. What Have You Regretted Doing In Your Whole Life?
- forgotten.
53. What Do You Do If Nobody Cared For You Any Longer?
- then i think it's th time i should die.
54. What Will You Do If Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend Two-Timed You?
- give him one tight slap &kick his #%@#%@
55. How Do You Feel Now?
- sleepy