my camera's dead!
let's talk about my first day of work.
i've met nice customers &disgusting &kiam siap& also greedy ones.

nice customers are those who buy from me! HAHAHA!
disgusting one is one of th customer, who licked her fingers &tap on my shoulder after that, thanking me. WTF?!
kiam siap got alot! all heard th price thn run until duno whr.
greedy one got three woman, all from developing country, who keep coming to me &keep giving me their hands &keep on repeating " try! try!" thn after trying, thn when i explain to them about th products, they just walk away, nv even say thankyou, or look at me/smile or anything, just treat me as transparent. so annoyed.

&manage to find one box of "smell me" stickers.
so i pasted on nardia, she pasted on her statue, which obviously doesnt have any smell :/
thn i pasted it on th dustbin -.-"
but today, its gone when i went back.. *depressed*

basically, i overslept again :/
suppose to meet at 11, i only wakeup at 11.30 :/
vivo >far east> tangs.
didnt know tangs got sucha nice cheesecake,
okay set liao, i everytime go thr, i go buy th cheesecake.
somemore got discount .............
by 15 cents! LOL! staff what! :D
did have a few funny moments, but i'm too tired to think now, got to sleep, so i wun be late for tmr's haircut &manicure!
i cannot oversleep! cannot cannot cannot! (:
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