its raining cats &dogs today.
&we ran in th rain towards th facial shop at bugis.
we're totally drenched! totally!

thn we walk towards th facial shop, th uncle at th fruit stall was like,
wah xiao mei, gang gang chong hao liang ah -.-"
thn he asked us to use th umbrella beside th stall,
i was like, its okay la, we're like totally wet alr, no point. zz!
twinny &i had our facial for like 2 hours plus,
&tht poor kalisha have to wait for us outside.
&i can see twinny stripppppppppppppp! woohoo! lol, no la, im just kidding though.
kalisha's super sexy today, i saw a guy who's distributing flyer peep inside her clothes!
*laughs! dont kill me kalisha :D
shop around, had pedicure, it's a total failure, really.
her skill of painting th nails is .. like my standard, as lousy as me! zzz!
=.=" must well i paint it myself right.
i prefer th stall upstairs, at 3rd floor, had my nails done thr last yr,
it's super professional. love it.
&my twinny is really sick -.-" she keep peeping into th sex shop,
&there's this kpo auntie keep looking at us.
&twinny purposely make us paiseh by saying what she saw inside. zzz!
when we're in th train, kalisha is super idiotic.
she used her hair, &twinny's hair to tickle twinny &i.
she even intended to use my twinny's hair to tickle a stranger's back.
&she played with th stranger's scraf. she's so scary.
see la, talk about her i got goosebumps alr, i swear i'm really having it now,
after typing this ._.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

&here's th scary part of today.
i saw an exposed indian guy!
so scary la, please.
i was walking at th left path, he was in th right path,
thn i look around, i saw him, and i saw something black at his private part.
i thought it's his design of th pants, or worst come to worst, his underwear,
cos i nv wear any contacts nor spec, so i cannot really see.
(thats a good thing for not having perfect eyesight ;D)
i turned away, cos i didnt think much..

thn when i turn &walk towards th right path,
this time thn i notice, he's actually holding one side of his jeans,
&he just let th other side of th jeans to slide down.
his whole butt was exposed, this time he was very near to me,
i saw everything. &im super sure that that's his butt.
that means ... th black part i saw ... is his ... ZZZZ!!!
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