morning, woke up at 8am. break record :D
was damn tired, went home, changed & get ready.
then off to tampines with joan, cher.
played arcade & ate pasta at pastamania :D
miss the pasta damn lot.
yingzi then came then ernest & hanwei.
watched the bee movie. the bee damn cute lah.
eyes big big de (: not bad lah the show.
worth watching :D so played arcade & off to the playground.
we went in the air con room which is strictly for childrens under 12.
still got camera lorh. tsktsk!
but who cares? nobody come to chase us away.
i chased ernest & his shoe broke! hehe!
then went home with cheryl they all.
chatted while walking to bus stop
& guess what? we saw rainbow. damn nice :D
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