card from yingzi; carolyn's mei; huimin and cheryl.
cookies from yingqing; sihuie4.
ahh!! i love today so much. early in the morning wake up oredi got ppl send me birthday msg. reach skul dat tyme saw jiahui tey all, first thing is to sae happy bd to me ^^ i love them. im married to kailing today and remarried to ger. hehes. den today geo lesson i tink, dunnoe who sabo and ask t`cher to ask bd gurl and ans the qns, end up t`cher ask them sing a bd song to me. wakakas, so touched so touched. den do proj, do do do until 3++ go staff rm dere find mdm koh. miss goh dere marhs, so ask her to help up pass up the proj to mdm koh den kanna caught my piercing by her. this two wk damn sway lorh. but heng heng baobei tok to her and she forget liao, i faster take our stuff go out first. hehe. later going out for dinner. =D im happy.
last wk PE kanna caught by mr toh, this wk PE kanna caught by mr ragh. nw is miss goh den nxt wk miss neo den mr zul arh? fark.
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