wah lau, jus now type a long long post and the stupid blog down dere error. fark. now i have to retype so might be shorter.
DAY 1went to camp at jalan be-ta-rah [ dunnoe how to spell] den played wid some high elements and night walk. tey bring us out of the campsite and to the path which is surrounded by forest wid no lights dere. so scary lorh. den walk quite far away from the campsite and wanted us to walk back in pairs. it's so scary lah. but we manage to catch up wid the peoples infront of us and the people behind us catched up wid us. got one instructor hid in the bushes and scare us. my fwens shouting and dunnoe who go stepped on my shoe! i wanted to run away but no shoes to run lorh. argh
DAY 2continued wid our high elements and went mudding. the mudding place is located deep inside the forest lorh. and the instructor expect us to sit on the mudwater which is slightly below our kneecap. she wanted us to spray on each other or we suffer. i sway sway sit beside her and i got most of the mud she sprayed. went back to campsite and we were lyk some freaks lah. cnt walk on the path only can walk on the grass. lunch dat tyme we can only eat outside the canteen lorh. under the hot hot sun. went rafting after dat and tey wan us to use only 5 pipes and 2 barrel build up something dat can carry 17 peeps. but we so pathetic lorh, haven reach the water the so called boat or wadever u call it spoil liao. at nite had another night walk. they blindfolded us and tickled our legs and hands. they even blowed my hand and grab my legs and and and making scary noises beside my ears. i down dere curse and scold them while walking X)
DAY 3quite lame lah. but at nite had our campfire. we went so high =D but after dat when tey blow the fire out and the instructor say some words dat tyme my eyes turn watery.it's so touching lorh. after dat at carpark dat tyme our instructor talked to us and i jus burst out and cry lorh. but stopped after i walk back to dorm. almost half of the sec 2 gurls cry lorh.
DAY 4cleaned up the MPH and the instructors wants us to clean the toliet. we so scared lah c0s the toliet outside dere gort alort of pads [dunnoe how it get dere when it's thrown inside]. worst still, the pads is lyk being torn by sharp nails or stuff lyk dat. and most of them hab no more blood left lorh. dunnoe it's empty when it's being thrown or ... *ahem* alort of people oso witnessed the tree bleeding. the guys even tried throwing a stone on dat tree and stains are found on the stone after dat the tree began to bleed. dat's wad i heard from others lah. but heng heng end up we clean t`cher's toliet =]]

i miss and love her ((: my instructor and she rocks a big tyme! <33