ss &geo paper down. time to relax (:
was playing with facebook just now,
&there was this new game called th farm or whatsoever one.
wahlau, im super pissed lor, i spent so much money on it.
thn all my crop withered.
all die ok! thn i left nothing.
im gonna quit tht stupid game,
im so so so so gonna quit! >;(

&my brother &mum is super crazy yesterday night.
if you got watch chnl 8, 9pm show,
you should know th part whr th zhen hui yu wanted inject her dad to death.
thn my mum was like,
"woah, daughter wanna kill parents, woah, wo papa~" (wo papa = i scared scared)
thn my bro goes
"woah, daughter kill parent" &used his finger &keep pointing at me,
thn my mum &brother both point at me &keep repeating th same thing.
i seriously feel like banging onto th wall at tht moment. stupid family. lol.

&i was studying geo on th bed, i sense somebody looking at me,
i turn &my mum was like staring hard &me &gave me tht tiko face.
zzz, like tht how i study! -.-"

in lesson, mdm tami called mr ambul "dearie"
cos she thot it was us who's calling her, thn she super paiseh lorh! hoho!
lunch with clique, &we saw vandalism on th table about th math tht ASTC thingy,
&all recalled th sick joke they created last time. o.o!

&we were all teasing about cy having big boobs,
later too heavy until become kingkong.
lol! okay lame, but i really duno what to post alr,
im so no life now, was too busy with exams.
&i wanna go swimming! ~

&3rd people think im 50kg plus alr.
can i go kill my self?!!
i like haven yet 45kg okay! argh!
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