argh, now my blogger cant upload photos alr. so shall only post part of th photos.

went to ikea with kalisha &chuxuan &carissa yesterday,

i was super late, &we took shutter bus to ikea,
&thr was this lady who's super nice,
cos she sat beside me,
&thr's no other available seat for carissa, so carissa went to th back to sit.
thn she was asking whether if i want carissa to sit beside me, it's okay for her to sit at th back.
nice right?!

i was lucky &unluck, cos thr was another man with big buttock standing beside me,
it was kindda squeezy, therefore his butt touch until my hand. eew
thn he move to th back, i was like *phew*
thn this china lady stand beside my seat.

she lean on my seat (th thing which u lie to rest ur back one)
thn her buttock keep rubbing until my shoulder lorh! wahlau!
so i keep moving in, &she keep coming nearer &nearer towards me _l_
pekchek, so i straightaway sit up, like sitting on half of th seat only.

(look at how carissa walk)
th lady beside me saw &she smile &ask me what happen, i told her.
overtime, th china lady's
WHOLE butt is on my seat. like fcuk!
th bus keep turning &i almost fall lorh, cos i cannot lean back,
thts why no balance.
thn th lady beside me help me &she said quite loudly
"lean back la, later you fall down, its ok one, just lean back!"
thn th china woman become more auto &move away from my seat.
argh #%!@$#^@

went to ikea, it's super duper funnnnnnnnnn!
carissa is super clumsy, she keep knocking on things, hitting on things, tripping on things.
-.-" stupid son, why cant she grow smarter?
&keep hiding behind curtains, thinking tht we cannot find her.
bo bian,
boys are like that.

&whenever she sees tolietbowl, doors, washing machine, she will go open.
dont she know tht it's GLUED?!
i got a evidence, but i still cant post it now,
shall upload tmr, hopefully? if my blogger allows..

lunch at ikea, bus to tampine1.
&they saw a slimming socks, it looks like my stocking,
so they keep saying tht i wear slimming socks out. zzz.

&kalisha hippy, go put a rubbish into a man's pocket. ROFL!
it's damn funny.

carissa suddenly shout "hey! thrs alot of mirror over here!" while twinny &i were taking photo,so she move very fast away, thts why this effect -.-")

after tht mrt to dhoby ghaut, 4 persons sharing 3 seats.
so pathetic lor,

(focus on twinny's face)
i think im very smart can! bcos i can apply makeup everywhr i go,
be it in e food court, or in th train. wow, isnt it? (:

oh ya! i forgot to say tht stupid carissa step on mud. eeew!
i'll laugh if it's true, but ...
she was wearing my shoe at tht time!

(im a good cook. hohoho! dont blieve?! try it, my food is best for people who's having constipation, cos you'll definitely have diarrhea after eating it ^^)

(i love this photo!)
carissa said one flower for me.

thn twinny said one bunch for me *kicks carissa away*
hahaha, owned!
so carissa very bu fu qi, &do what she's doing to cx in this photo,
but she's not aware tht what she's doing, is caught in th photo. hahahha!

went to dhoby ghaut, went to etube for free samples! yay! :D
i should go in &out of th tht shop more often lo. ahya, shit!

&we train back, they were like nonono, we cannot stand behind yanying,
must go in before her &ran infront of me alr. wahlau, im so hurt.
(cos th machine keep cannot scan till my card, cos of jz they all la! take my ezlink card nvr put back to th orginal place, after dhoby ghaut i check my wallet thn i know one)

&carissa have big cock!
(cos of th style of her pants, it look like she have very huge &long cock)
&she said alot of people looking at her,
okay looking at her "cock" to be exact. hahahahah! i cant stop laughing.

&we even put a long stick which is very flum-sy ( i duno how to spell ;x)
(it's a soft toy of those u use to clean your toliet bowl)
at her *toot*
thn she was like OI!
so she cover her below after we walk pass tht place agn,
thn she went "hahahaha, i knew u gonna put it thr agn, so i cover"
so twinny put at her breast. damn funny!

(look like alibaba, wahlau, she steal my name)

im so proud of myself,
10messages &5calls cant wake me up. hahaha ;x
im like still sleeping like a log without knowing lor!
so pro!