went kovan, no more bag ): so buy hairbands instead.
simin &carolyn complained tht thy are hungry, so went home first.
while we train to hgm.
tooooooooooo buy my conditioner for my really spoilt hair D:
&hair dye. i seriously hate black hair. tht's it! D:
bused to my house;

&myyyyyyyyyyyyyy dumb twinny complained tht my fridge had grew taller!
(i changed my fridge of cos -.-") &took video after tht. i refuse to blog th video out -.-"
&thisssssssssss is kalisha hippy! th kong bu fen zhi version. ha
sheeeeeeeeeeee kept "ehhhhh, take more photo leh take more photo leh~" crazy woman.

iKEPTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT on calling her "stupid woman" &"eh girl", &my twinny kept laughing over it, duno what's so funny -.-"

twinnyyyyyyyy saw this on my table, so she kept complaining to me tht she's jealous,
&she wanna print a poster size photo of us -.- lol!
kalishaaaaaaaa have smelly legs, lol, (nah, just kidding)
my twinny is funny, she said this to kalisha "i smell your smelly sock smell on your leg" &this is what kalisha replied "but you are th only one wearing socks now!" LOL!
theeeeeeeeee phone just cant stand, &th timer alr started, i was like "shit, *faster face my face towards th floor -.-")
weeeeeeeeeeeee had a terrible time taking these photos, made us crawl here &thr, sweat like hell.
thennnnnnnnnn bring them to bus stop, after tht went to buy dinner,
th handphone shop guy was like "eh number sixteen!" argh, so embarrassing D:
i rmb tht time he was like "yanying yanying" >;(

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