happen in faceshop. carissa went to try on th product onto her face, thinking tht it's some kind of cleanser.
promoter: tht is a mask, u will have to wash it away in 10-15 mins later.
carissa: HUH? WHAT?! i thought it's cleanser!
promoter: it's a mask, &you have to apply it on clean skin.
carissa: my skin very clean one.
promoter: i mean after you wash your face, then can apply, if not it will block your pores.
carissa: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *cover her green (th mask is grn in colour) nose* i got flu i got flu.
&i tried pulling her hands down, but she kept covering th green nose, saying tht she caught a flu =.=!
people hold pole in mrt to prevent them from falling, &she held th "invisible one" she's like holding th air can! -.-" stupid woman.
third: was in th toliet, i was out of queue, so i played a game with her, i ask her to play with me, so i turn her ard, then i became inside th queue, she outside th queue =.=" but was found out shortly after.
me: carissa, lend me $2, i only got $8, i later withdraw money then return you.
carissa: i dont have $2.
me: u nvr bring money?
carissa: yes i did.
me: then?
carissa: i only got $10. -.-"
she stretch her leg big big &fell down cos her socks too slippery :D (she reminded me this. hahaha!)
im very tired to post abt today alr, gonna sleep.
for more details go

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