2nd: fake eyelash! but took it out after th trip is cancelled.
7th: blue goes with green isnt it? :D

tskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, early in th morning called carissa when she's still sleeping like a log.
she complained &cursed me just because i disturbed her beauty sleep. zz~
i woke up, thinking tht it's raining, then went ard searching for umbrellas &called mum&carissa.
but in th end ..? it wasnt even raining! =.=" how dumb.
bathed &travel to school for poa class.
carissa &i walk around th school finding whr's th class gonna held at.
sweating &tired,
when mdm cheng haven even reach school.
got home, dressed up, make up everything, but it was cancelled in th end. zz!
so went study with zhenyan, saw poyai o.o!
oreo cheesecake is forever so tasty :DDDDDDDDD
im sucha good girl, i went popular to buy 5pens, 1marker &1highlighter.
kiasu right! haha, but just in case it ran out of ink,
so i dun have to keep going back what, this is call smart! ;p
slacked with kain &waikian since we saw each other at popular.
kain keep laughing at my short hair, so annoying!!
but they went shortly after, leaving zhenyan &i behind, talking our hearts out.
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