out with th same peoples.
carissa was late for 40mins, &im late for 45mins. x.x!
made them wait for us for so long. paiseh x.x! cant wake up what.
went tpy, walk here &thr, making hell load of noise.
carolyn wasnt feeling well, so send her to interchange,
sweating like shit, hair wax all melt, thanks to th sun &sweat. zzz!
was quite pekchek cos of th sticky-ness &th wetness.
went novena, sihui &cheryl joined us shortly after.
my stomach is giving problem agn! it's bloated with air. zz!
feel so uncomfortable. had hot chocolate &trained with cy.
trained to kovan to meet zhenyan! &kain, jz &wk.
ate dinner &played pool. my legs are giving me hell.
it hurt so much, even having blister now.
played pool, barefooted. hee! x.x!
so tired after 12hours of outing, &im like suffering leg cramp now. *sighs.
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