eileen, jinghui, wilson, aikhow, aikhow's laopo(kris ;P), wanqian, kelvin, josephine, stella, jiahui, kailing, carolyn, simin, shaoen, ain, chuxuan, yingjing, yingqing, ken, jiayi, sq, huimin, mum, dad, bro ;P!
thanks to the peoples above for wishing me happy birthday! :DD
& thanks ken for letting me suan ;P i'll donate hair for u on ur next yr bd alright!
so don sad. hehe!
tell me if i forget to put ur name.
happy birthday to me & happy one yr with girlfriend!
was very happy with i saw aikhow's & wanqian's & eileen's message,
cos they actually remembered my birthday! :D loves!
morning argued with mum, i don wanna go tuition sia.
but nvm, still went there, was kindda irritated by a girl.
on my way home, saw my gan-darling.
he was walking to 7-11 while i walk home. lols.
reached home, changed & off to cp,
my clique gave me a present, with lots of newspapers.
they wrap alot of layers, i spent ard 10 mins opening!
end up it's a packet of chocolate,
but before i open it, it's ard 5-6 times a packet of e chocolate size -.-
then shop ard, eat, then there goes my 2nd & 3rd presents (:
they gave me a bottle full of sand and stars and alot of lil notes.
then lastly a sketch book, inside full of photos,
& memories. it's damn sweet cannnn! i simply love my clique.
thanks to them, lots of love & kisses (:
went arcade, played, i was kindda pissed & walked away.
they chased me back & wanna kiss & lc with me, taoyan!
ok la, they made me laugh when i was angry & the anger jus goes off.
then continue with our arcade & cher they all play cheat!
lols, they ask the arcade guy to put the toy closer to the hole,
so they can get the toy easier,
so i asked him to mus well take it out & give us ;P
they go continue get the toy, & i went off first,
dad came to fetch me, then had dinner with my family.
then jinghui saw me & msged me & tot my bro is my boyfriend. lols!
i mus say sorry to my clique & boyfriend & sister & ck,
sorry that i wasn't in good mood these days,
& i get moody easily -.- i awhile moody, awhile hyper -.-
but i mus still say sorry,
cos i will probably still be moody in the coming days. cos pms :X

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