woke up damn early zZzzzz
talked to weihong in msn,
then met up with her, go sch,
take report book.
mr ??? ( forgot what name) is so damn funny.
he keep saying weihong & boyfriend.
i was like he's so cute :D
then bought pocky, eat & took bus to reborn hair.
weihong accompany me ((:
i reborn fringe only lah, all curl alr,
thanks to that damn hairdresser who spoilt my hair.
forget it, walked to my house,
weihong stay at my house until 10pm,
accompany her downstairs to take bus,
saw people having bbq,
both of us were like so jealous. tsk~
&got two irritating guys keep making noise when we walk pass,
so sickening.
8th march o8
today damn damn fun :DD
chuxuan & boyfriend morning sms me,
eeeeeeeeeeeeek, wake me up by their SMSes.
train-ed to vivo, im late! lols.
watched 'water horse' with boyfriend, justina & ck.
that stupid couple, behind us keep throwing popcorn at us,
esp sister! disturb us -.-
shopped ard at vivo, then off to cineleisure :D
played pool with sister, the guys go play theirs.
i hurt my hand while playing pool! ):
watched 'skin walker' then the guys down there complain,
say not niceeeeeee -.- then change to 'alone'
justina and i close the door don let the guys come in,
but failed la ):
people walk pass our room keep looking in somemore,
then i smiled at one of the person,
the person shock dao X) so so fun. tsk!
watch until 9 plus,
mrt to compass then cab home,
reach home alr 11 plus, damn damn tired now. haha.
on the way to compass that time damn fun lorh.
hahas, ck and boyfriend get alongs very well -.-
they were like damn crazy -.-
i asked sister to draw on ck's hand while i draw on boyfriend's hand using eyeliner.
sister wrote 'smile :)' on his hand,
i wrote ' u suck' & darken until thick thick de on boyfriend's hand then he rub rub rub away.
i down there complain say i hvn draw smiley face,
then i draw a big big smiley face with big big and darken de eyes -.-
he complain agn, say ck one so small & light,
he's so bigggg & dark -.- hahas, i miss today alot XD
&im damn hungryyy now la!
hasn't eaten anything for one whole day except for one pathetic bread.
anyone wanna cook maggi for me? X)
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