someone wanna make friend with cheryl! woohoo! :X
poa, tcher ask me check their work,
i down there got do? nvr go faster copy.
haha! she choose wrong person le lah -.-
then was damn hyper -.-
i cannot really rmb what happen lah,
after sch, pon cca, went library,
hyper with twinny,
we laugh from dismissal until five plus -.-
scary bah? laugh until face damn tired.
24th jan o8
morning was damn irritated by someone.
& yz was late!
assembly at hall, cx talk to me,
i laugh with her, dm catch me.
so unfairrrrrrr! ))):
damn sia, then ask me go find miss tey,
i go find, then she dunno at where,
go back, find dm, he catch my earstick,
then hair and fingernails,
he ask if i wanna throw the stick or ask parents collect -.-ll
of cos throw away la! then i go back take my nailcutter,
he keep aiming at me -.- bobian.
then i throw the earstick into my pencil case first,
then act act that i still taking earstick in my hand,
went to dustbin throw one earstick away nia -.-
others in pencilcase, then cut nails, clip hair,
unfold skirt, pull socks, slack in toliet awhile
then go back hall, sit at the back -.-ll
after sch went to compass,
print photos then ate yoshi,
made fun of cheryl.
muahahahas! damn funny lah!
we laugh until like siao like that.
got one guy saw cher then shock,
he let go of his hand then his chopstick drop -.-ll
ha! criminal. then went to cher's house.
do amath, then called boyfriend.
he suddenly nvr reply my msg,
i scare dao, tot what happen -.-
end up he pass his 'o's! :DD damn happy lah,
i down there jumpppppp! :X
then they down play with pesticide,
do amath, do until damn pekchek! tsk.
then chatted with boyfriend :D
chat with him all the way.
feel so happy for him :DDDDDDDD

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