these two days are jus so relaxing, teacher seems to get sick easily nowadays. it's a good news for us huhs. morning had grooming check, dm randomly choose a gurl & i kanna, sway lah! i was stuned, & i went huhhh? i actually didn't believe the fact. wadever, this is the first time im gonna get so close wid my 'ex-laogong' marhs. wakas! okay, im jus joking, he's said dat im neat, ahh, im shy already. & i was taking out my stuns beside him, seriously, im nt trying to make fun of him okays? i love him horh! althought he's no longer my 'laogong' hahas! after taking out my earstick i jus can't put it bak lah, the hole seems to close, & i lost my 'thiner' stick, thanks to my 'ex-laogong'. argh, he revenge seh. wasted so much time jus to push & squeeze my damn stick back to the farking earhole. im embarrassed twice today lah, second time is during art lesson, was explaning why i made dat piece of found art, kanna suan-ed lah, okay, not really suan. but still kindda embarassed. was using blog during IT lesson & some btks go baotoh, teacher ban the whole internet explorer after dat. wtf lorh. sadded.
& lastly, seems dat ks seriously cared alort of her leh. wakakas!
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