kelly services was boring, nobody likes the new teacher.
i don't understand why he get so pissed off just bcos we took 35 to come back instead of the 10-15mins break he gave. chill chill! -.-"
because of that, he refuse to continue the lesson, therefore, we got dismissed 1 hour earlier than the actual time. HAHA! next time make him angry again, then we can get dismissed even earlier ^^
cineleisure for "you are the apple of my eye" with yanli, cheryl and adrian. the movie was okok, but the people who went were great! totally don't understand how can we even laugh when the movie is screening on sad scenes. lol! we are bimbo like that :)
had a great laugh throughout the movie, esp the epic moment when i found a 20cents in my heels. i totally have NO IDEA how it got in.
it started off with manicure over at FEP, bcos of the lack of time, and the poor adrian who waited for us outside the manicure for so damn long, so i left bfr my nails were dry.
the manicurist offered to help with my heels, i felt something in my heels when i wear it, but its so embarrassing to take out and ask her to wear it for me again. thus, i just ignore and wanted to take the thing out in the movie theatre, but i TOTALLY DON'T EXPECT IT TO BE MONEY! tsk! what a lucky day!! :P