kalisha msg me & said that if im late,
she's so gonna strip me! so i rushedddd & i reached exactly at 10am.
she's evil okay! she were still tinking to dye my eyebrow.
twinny & idiot were late!
wanted to be the first customer for watsons for the day.
but one stupid uncle snatch our chance.
hey! we came first alright? we started waiting first. lols!
nvm, managed to buy our dyes and left cp at 11.
lrt-ed to kalisha's house, im the first guninea(?) pig.
i duno how to spell lah, or should i say bai lao shu? ;X
nvm, and the outcome is bad, really bad!
im so gonna kill anyone who laugh at my hair.
ate at rp then go back her house,
get ready & walk to sch with idiot.
i stinks alot alright? full of the dye smell.
& it smells like hongkong feet.
so i sprayed lots of perfume.
trying to cover the smell (:
reached home, my mum smell my super-heavy-perfume.
& she started suspecting if i really went to sch or what =.="
the outcome of my hair;

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