14th aug o7
sabo-ed sihui agn. brandon was asking which is sihui.
when he walk pass us, sihui was poking me, so i shouted in purpose;
'finish playing liao marhs? wong-si-hui' i dragged the name.
brandon turned around & started giggling. i was super hyper during IT.
after sch went hgm, collect my contact lenes, & learn hw to put in.
the uncle was asking 'have u practised at home?' while im washing my hand.
so i changed topic 'eh, your water vry cold leh' alina they all started laughing =.=
tried a few times before it goes in, one tear came out. lols, i tok so much craps.
had lunch at hgm & off to compass, yingzi bought her coloured lens. grey!
den somebody bought somebody smt, she's on talking on the phone,
so we stayed in toliet for sometime. lols! go out & sombody push the thing to yz,
ask yz to pass it to somebody. lols. den the somebody wanna fetch sombody home,
sadly, she dont want, so we stayed in toliet for a long time agn & the somebody
had to wait outside the toliet for the long period of time while yz put in her lens.
anyway, today is sihui & i 1st month ani since we re-married. loves!
15th aug o7
aahh.. ailin almost kill me today, she strangle me. lols! love her lah.
mdm joy-ful lied to us, by ryte we are having practical today, end up nvr.
so went toliet wid sihui, i was singing gatsby song when she open the toliet door,
three girls look at me, i sia dao. they still laugh at me. contact lens too dry, so put solution.
den go back to class slowly, it's like we spent 1o mins in the toliet, come bak tcher still teaching first page. lols, so slow.
stayed back in sch, cher & sihui keep moustache-ing & potatoman-ing in wadever i said. argh!
moustache cos .. shall not say (: potatoman cos i drew potato man on my tb =.=
disturbed mrs yaw & played, hypered, run here run dere. blablabla
helped alina ask where is *ahem den end up dat idiot jc tot i wan jio dat *ahem.
wadever, i have no idea wad to post. but today is a super fun day!
happy 9th month to chuxuan & me! :DD loves
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