Thursday, August 30, 2007
mdm koh said today is aces day one marhs,
she said no hist lesson today, hw we noe ryte?
not our fault! hohohohoho =X
celebration is nice, class tee is expensive, yet ugly.
waste my money, 17 dollars jus fly like dat.
super damn dulan today, i was slping, im super tired lah.
den my uncle called, ask me pass him the paper.
i called my mum so many times she nvr pick up the phone,
den my uncle began scolding at me. wth!
i super dulan can? called my mum over 30 calls eh! excluding before my uncle called der.
still kanna scolded, somemore before that i also missed call her alort of times.
of cos will dulan lah, kanna scolded for nothing also,
dulan until i go throw my phone, nw the colour drop lah. damn!xin tong!
* i tink i spoil my house phone, i pluck out the line, den the wires come out.
all my uncle's fault. wahlau.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
super dulan, met a crazy guy in msn.
he said he add me from friendster.
of cos i wun tok to him & he started getting angry.
the other guys wun come irritate me when i say im busy,
other than him lah. kaos!
elearn today, everything goes smoothly.
after that went to meet weihong, denise & brandon.
played at playground. brandon's finger is so damn long.
inhuman lah. then we walk him home,
den take bus 159 with denise & homed :DD
passed sharon the big fat tortoise.
asked her to hide from chuxuan.
chuxuan tot we quarrel wid her is cos we really dislike her or whatsoever.
but it's actually a plot. & it actually succeed!
we actually wanted to start the plan during recess,
but i jus can't give her cold shoulder, i feel terrible. nono i mean we.
so went to take the tortoise when she went to toliet blablabla.
she walk back to class, saw a big fat tortoise sitting on her chair.
she was like stunned. den SURPRISE! she damn paiseh.
went cher's house after sch, called pasta delievery,
but they say they wun deliever to sengkang. sihui saw dat before we call alr,
but she only read it to herself, nvr tell us, only until the phone operator say so.
called pizzahut, they said might take one hour,
end up only twenty mins or so. so efficient. left cher's house at 6 plus :DD
28th aug
i seriously are disappointed over my result.
i failed all my humanities! wth.
english - 74/100 one more mark to A1. argh!
math - 26/40 B4; nt happy, nt upset.
home econ - 30.5/50 B4; nt happy, nt upset.
hist - 12/ 25 half more mark! ):
geo - 20/50 super disappointing.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
make the whole house in a mess.
enjoy doing it, the first time the cookie chaoda.
last time the cookie also chaoda.
first time lack of expierence, last time is forget to check.
played alort. they keep disturbing me,
don wanna let me have a peaceful time in toliet. wth.
gang up & bullied sihui until she fell on the floor.
so poor thing. cher's grandma is friendly & nice (:
left at 6 & went 7-11 buy chocolate!
chocolates nvr fail to cheer me up. woohoo!
in bus gt one lil kid super irritating. i super dulan.
i wan sit the 3 seats one, den she squeezeeeeee inside.
nvm, i change another seat, i walking dere liao den her mum
' eh, ahmei arh, sit here, come come' den she run dere.
squezeeeee inside agn. wth. so damn dulan.
make me no seat to sit, i sms she also keep looking. idiot.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
lalalalas, morning, somebody almost fell infront of somebody.
Friday, August 24, 2007
she confiscated it & kiap under her armpit,
den chuxuan was like, yz, ur organiser is gonna turn yellow.
makes me laugh like hell.
hist, din bring tb & file. den both stuff is needed. wth.
at least din get offence form, it's a good thing ;DD
went hall for PE, practise the dance for acers day.
i was slightly hyper, keep disturbing yingzi. hoho!
math lesson was super duper hyper! woohoo!
yz regretted sitting wid me, cos i keep toking crap, sing &blablabla.
den the damn go spoil my mood. argh!
his socks so smelly u still take, hope u smell until faint. tsktsk.
cheated during eng test & chinese ting xie.
i kanna caught for eng test, & chuxuan kanna for chinese.
seems dat our cheating skills are nt dat good enough yet.
i shall train on it. muahahas! & i went choir today.
wo bian guai ler ;DD cheers for me!
& almost mouth to mouth kiss wid sihui. ahh!! lucky we move away in time,
if not, dere goes my first kiss. tsktsk =X
was feeling sick in the morning, sweating like crazy, den jus nw stomachache
ah yoh yoh, pity me ryte?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
maths was soso, but homeecon was difficult.
i din study a single thing! ):
eng tcher din come again. whees. chaos in class.
den was art, yz argue wid art tcher until send to councilor.
she's so daring. den was IT, do filming.
end up nothing is filmed. okay, im kindda dulan wid my group member.
ask me who! bleahs.
the sun is so damn hot dat im having headache,
den shaun go argue wid me, i shouted back. so sorry, i noe it's nt ur fault.
after sch went cher's house eat, play, chat.
was talking about some scary stuff, it freaks me out. lols!
so busy wid geo until din get the chance to update.
okay, im busy these days, on my way home, alina's mum called me.
she din tell me dat she lied to her mum, so i dunno a single thing.
sorry for telling the truth, it was too late for me to say u din come.
so sorry my dear.
22th aug o7
finally the last paper is over. time to relax.
but still having ting xie tmr. omg
after sch had oral & went home wid serene.
i laughed so loudly today, thanks to wad alina told me.
alina arh, i can't take such a 'big' joke.
i will get heart attack one. rofl =X
anyway, happy 5th month to nuer & stead.
Monday, August 20, 2007
photos are for friday.
ytd, spent one whole day to memorize hist. i mean whole day okays?
from the moment i wake up all the way until i sleep.
end up today, they nvr test essays. arghhh!
had hist & eng paper. today's lesson kindda relaxing.
math tcher din really care, eng tcher nvr come,
end up came a sea hum ._. i don like her.
slept during cme & kanna caught by alina D:
went home, sleep, bath, eat, art, study all the way until now.
& it's alr 10.37pm, hasn't started revising my homeecon.
ahh..! stress lorh. lols! really no more time to spare alr.
bye people :DD loves.
anyway, cheryl, be strong! :DD loveyou.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
three test in one go, i was like wth?
after sch went to cher's house wid alina.
had alort of fun, intend to study, ending up playing all the way.
my bag was super heavy ytd, went home & open my bag,
saw my sci tb, i was like wth? i tot sci test is over.
den why am i bringing my sci bak? making my bag so heavy. damn!
18th aug o7
okay, went to meet up wid yuenfang & jiahui. i was late, so i ran & i fell.
so sway, nvm, met up with them & went to kovan & wait for stella to finish her tuition.
went mac to study, memorized some part of the essay & began gossiping wid stella.
lols, say in a nicer way is go there to study,
but in a bad-er way is go dere chat & play =.= * direct translation in chinese.
went compass & bought a shoe. suddenly feel like playing arcade.
so went dere ddr-ed. the girl so mean lah, i change the coins,
she gave me 7 ten cents, 2 five cents, 1 twenty cents. wth lah.
den stella use the coins & change back wid her. so nice of her :DD
went home, slept & began studying. it jus cannot go in my damn brain.
my brain jus can't stop tinking of my lala-land.
ate alort of ice but it jus doesn't help. so jus come & play com. lols =.=
okay i tink i shall end here, going to call weihong. byes :DD
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

14th aug o7
Monday, August 13, 2007
woots! she so sway, 1st day bring the monkey to sch den spoil alr.
went to compass, bought our lunch & off to cher's house.
yingzi & carolyn was dere too. & a ceramic cup with coke was dropped & *piang.
& now the floor is full of ants, cher gt scolded. cheer up, sayang.
i must admit, today is super fun. it's so fun dat i dont even bear to go bak home.
was playing wid cher's scotch tape, dere's alort of words one marhs,
so alina paste the 'cutie' & 'sassy' on me but 'flirt' on sihui. rofl.
she was shouting around & i go paste another 'flirt' on her. lmao.
was intending to paste it on cher's leg & pull her hairs out. bt she's in bad mood.
sadded. somebody roll roll roll & *boom fall on the floor. i took a photo of it.
but shall not post. dont wanna embarrasse her. oh gurl, say you love me :DD
called somebody & chatted using cher's house phone. cher & i hid in the room,
& lock ourselves inside. so dat we can sabo somebody without getting beaten by her.
woohoo! so smart of us. rofl. oh yah, still gt another somebody ran out of the room & fell down.
hoho! so sad, i didn't see it as im in the room slacking. argh!
slacked on cher's bed, gossips, laugh, chat, blablabla ;DD
& sihui go paste the damn scotch tape on my shirt & i dont even know!
i even wear the shirt wid a big fat 'perfect' scotch tape on my shirt frm;
cher's house walk to busstop, wait bus, board bus, walk home. omg!
i wondered how many people saw dat. how embarrassing. ahhahhahh!
1. ALINA deardear
2. CHERYL sayang
3.CHUXUAN nuer
4. SIHUI laopo
5. YINGZI bestie
6. WEIHONG idiot
7. JIAHUI darling
8. KAILINGgirlfriend
9.SIHUI e4
10. HUIMIN e4
11. [who is no.6 having relationship with?] nobody?
12.[Is no.9 a male or female?] female lah, ahyoh.
13.[If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?] if they are willing to be les :X
14.[How about no.8 and 5?] if they are willing to be les.
15.[What is no.2 studying about?] teacher teach wad, she learn wad =.=
16.[When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?] msn- jus ytd
17.[What kind of music band does no.8 like?] dont know leh
18.[Does no.1 has any siblings?] yes yes!
19.[Will you woo no.3?] wooing own nuer is weird, but i will if im a guy.
20.[How about no.7?] we alr are together. lols.
21.[Is no.4 single?] nah, dat 1D is attached to her 1D :X
22.[What's the surname of no.5?] tee?
23.[What's the hobby of no.4?] go ask her yourself? maybe reading comics.
24.[Do no.5 and 9 get along well?] nt sure.
25.[Where is no.2 studying at?] the sch im studying at =.=
26.[talk something casually about no.1] she owned A & A tutorial centre, she loves to laugh, she's not petty.
27.[Have you try developing feelings for no.8?] yes yes! i go crazy of her.
28.[Where does no.9 live at?] nt sure, maybe sengkang?
29.[What color does no.4 like?] i forgotten! >w<
30.[Are no.5 and 1 best friends?] yes? we are all best frens
31.[Does no.7 likes no.2?] tink so ?
32.[How do you get to know no.2?] same sch, same class, see each other, love each other, started talking.
33.[Does no.1 have any pets?] no? she scared of dogs the most. she can run from sengkang to sentosa whenever she sees dogs. tsktsk
34.[Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?] nah, i tink she's sexy, bt i tink i sexier, nono, sexiest :DD
Sunday, August 12, 2007
slept at 3plus ytd nite, & woke up at 1o to watch campus.
ytd nite chatted wid cheekin, yingqing, gabriel, yeehui,
&& the penguin joke one =.= dunno wad name lah.
wah lau, the penguin joke is so damn funny lah,
make cheekin & i laugh non-stop, even after they wanna hang,
i still down dere laugh, cannot stop =.=
then the nite before, chatted wid xinli, weihong, ernest, denise & ??
fun fun ;DD but till 1 plus nia. lols, wadever.
im seriously tired now, "GOOD NIGHT" people =X
anyway, happy birthday wanling.
Friday, August 10, 2007
SIHUI :D: YOU CUTE? OMFG, thats horrible. who say one? must be pajiao or sth baas. or maeb he just lying to you dumbass. :X happy national day
reply: once agn, I- AM- CUTEEEEEE! happy belated national day
Weihong: nvm, dont ever wakeup barhs. scare ltr you depression again. cont. dreaming your cute [: ehehs.
reply: hahas, i dun hab depression.
Weihong: anw, do th quiz at my blog if your freeeee
reply: sure sure! ;DD if i have the time :DD
ALINA: monokuro BOO!!!!!!! euu are being tagged...
reply: BOO! thanks for tagging.
ALINA: hellos...ii m missing euu agins...hahas
reply: taoyan~~
ALINA: takaires&& see euu on monday
reply: sure sure! dun be adsent :DD
AUNTIE YANYING: YOYOYO. tagged you le. hahas. dun say i nv tag you . wahahas, byes.
reply: so you are the 'auntie yanying'? :DD yoyoyo!
ERNEST: paiseh, put wrong name.
reply: why are you so dumb? hahas! :X
ERNEST: redo : AUNTIE YANYING, YOYOYO. tagged you le. hahas. dun say i nv tag you . wahahas, byes.
reply: where can redo one? dumb ah jek! hahas :X
met up wid sihui & alina at compass.
they sua me lah, idiots, hide here hide dere =.=
den go hgm & bought my grey coloured contact lens.
they keep laughing at me when im testing wad's my degree.
& i kept on pointing middle fingers at them =.=
&& the uncle seems so interested in sihui.
den go eat cheesecake, it makes me so disgusted.
discussed lit proj while eating, actually is chatting to be exact =X
den go walk walk & *boom* appear at compass. so lame =.=
bought a shorts at 77th street & a monkey keychain wid sihui :DD
den found out dat i actually spent altogether $215 at 77th street!
damn, they always tempt me with their stuffs =.=
went popular & saw cheryl :DD
played alort, so fun disturbing sihui. whees~
today is so super fun :DD & i hate rotting at home!
reached home, was kindda scared to tell my mum dat i've bought contactlens.
but end up she nvr scold leh, hahas! only nag a few words den FULL STOP :DD
i tink im suffering from depression agn. hais, i really am tired.
sihui & chuxuan knew part of it.
bt i dun wish to let it spread, it's not something to be proud of.
so pardon me if i don wanna say.
but the repeat of singapore town is fun.
after the performance, actually wanted to sneak out,
but still have to meet up wid miss goh at 1, no choice,
&& they started playing wid jellybeans,
all counter-attack yz, and she actually lied on the floor!
hahas, not our idea, is paulyn's! maybe yingjing too?
& my darling ailing's nose bleed lah, takecare leh! ;DD
played in school until 11 plus den someone tell us to go meet miss goh,
reached dere, she's alr nagging people, & chased us away,
make us waited for her to finish nagging the 1st batch,
still nidda wait for her council finish the others, den our turn.
finish her naggings, den she treat us like toy lah, 'play' us.
want us to act as super heros, go down & act, wah super paiseh.
sihui & i wanted to go cher's house, den my mum called,
she ask me to go home, i was like u gt cook arh? sians,
den i say fine lorh, i hab to leave them & go bak home ):
reached home she was still cooking, i said u still cooking arh?
she say yah lah, u hvn eat meh? i was like u ask me to come bak to eat one eh.
den we down dere argue here argue dere. it's like ask me come bak eat,
make me rush back home, should hab go cher's house lorh. pian wo.
heard dat sihui can't take out the lens agn, hahas!
& my personal msg put; im cute, im e best, im everything nice.
den weihong put: yanying is not cute, not the best, not everything nice.
so mean of her, =.=
im rotting, i wan go out. everyone is either out or cnt go out. im dying.
watched tv, gt a penguin show, super sad & cute lah. i cried lorh.
they all so poor thing. currently chatting wid weihong.
hoho, im the winner:
♡ ` WEIHONG says:
yanying like retard larhs ! keep saying she is cute =/
YANYING. ` ;DD && im so in love wid kit-kats. says:
im retarded wad
♡ ` WEIHONG says:
YANYING. ` ;DD && im so in love wid kit-kats. says:
& i love being retarded
♡ ` WEIHONG says:
retarded yanying
♡ ` WEIHONG says:
YANYING. ` ;DD && im so in love wid kit-kats. says:
if u keep saying im retarded, means u are retarded enough to scold a retarded person retarded =.= lols
♡ ` WEIHONG says:
♡ ` WEIHONG says:
whatever lor
YANYING. ` ;DD && im so in love wid kit-kats. says:
yays i win
YANYING. ` ;DD && im so in love wid kit-kats. says:
weihong = loser ;DD
♡ ` WEIHONG says:
yanying = winer
YANYING. ` ;DD && im so in love wid kit-kats. says:
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

my friends keep saying dat im always moody in e morning,
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Sunday, August 05, 2007
den at night cxl ask me to call them ;D
chat wid cxl, weihong, denise(?), brandon, ernest
until the next morning 3 plus going 4 like dat.
cxl fell asleep =.= & this post is lame,
but im really bored, so im jus trying to find something to update. hoho!
so mind me from my lame-ness. lols!
5th april `o7
&& i tink im gonna get ready nw. shall update after i come back,
cfm will take alort of photos, cos im gonna to a ziliankuang's house.
byes people :D
Saturday, August 04, 2007
reply: love you too. missyou. :DD go out soon!
KAILING: SMILE always! ((:
reply: smiling :DD
SIHUI :D: hahas, stuupid, go anyhow touch. you also alot hands aahs!
reply: i also din do it on purpose.
CXL: lols. didnt know that honghong talked abt me? must be saying i very good right-.-
reply: hahas, you will neber noe, lols, yah lah, good stuff abt you ;D
JIAHUI: haha. sacre people,and YOYOYOYOYOYO. your job arh? salary how much?
reply: no pay, you wanna join me? i recruit you. salary = the fun :DD you jealous i cn scare ppl huhs? :X
CHUXUAN: yanying, yoo alrdy white enuf. stop putting ur wishes there.
reply: but to me, still nt white enuff!
CHUXUAN: tryin to make me jealous huhs ?!
reply: im still too tanned! is you ownself wanna jealous one, nt my fault! :X
Thursday, August 02, 2007

my mum already put bottle into my bag liao, i din noe lorh, still bought another bottle of water. so i hab two bottles of water to drink for the day. ahh, shui tong liao lah. & alina actually called apple tea into happy tea. alina arh, apple tea ≠ kuai le cha! :DD after recess i was super duper tired. slept in class for eng, bt cnt really get into slp cos when im abt to get into slp, someone msged me, he disturbed my beauty slp! hell! :x & also partly due to t`cher teaching lah, noise pollution! den den den walk towards toliet like depression human. bleahs! too tired marhs, ermm .. den was math test, it's difficult lorh. chinese lesson was test agn, argh! finished my paper & i fell asleep. i rest my head on the table, hand was still holding a pen, & it's super straight kind (9o degree like dat lah), suddenly my knee itchy, so i like suddenly jump up & my pen flew away with a gong gong look on my face. ( informations provided by chuxuan ;D) den chuxuan keep laughing non-stop, i tot is my face gt the red red mark or smt, so i ignored her & continue slping until skul dismiss. den chuxuan told me wad was my reaction & stuff, i laughed at myself lor =.= wadever! after skul, accompany sihui to hgm mall to buy her contact lens, den off we go to hougang stadium. was superrrrr hyper! went around scaring people & making stupid stuffs. super duper ultra fun!! woots. & my dear cried, cheer up dear! hoho, bt i still manage to make her laugh, im so smart! ;DD saw 'rainbow' on the floor on our way home. super nice :DD
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

should i count myself lucky or sway? sway cos mumu touched my geo paper & it's all wet. completely wet lah, eww! but lucky cos i use ball point pen, nt gel, if not the whole ink will jus smurge. math t`cher din come to class. free period. woo~ den was homeecon, free period for the first hour, cheryl, chuxuan & i wore our apron the other way round & keep 'flying' around like wonderwomans. hoho! we're heros. den go make our stupid pies lah, chuxuan & i done alort of evil things again. hehes! played wid cheryl's leftovers, it ended up super disgusting, mashed the rice :DD den den den after choir, cy they all waved at me, bt cos im short sighted, cannot see, so sorry! but i was jumping around & waving bak, bt this time they din see me, hahas, i acts like a fool waving to the gate. lols! :DD den cheryl practised flying, ended up hurting her hand. sayang, takecare leh! waited for her bus to come den sihui & i went home. reached home at exactly 7pm! hoho, so accurate for my show. hehes!